
Catechesis of parents is required before an infant is baptized. This is normally one session after which the date of Baptism is scheduled. Parents presenting their child for Baptism must be willing to commit to rear the child in the Catholic Faith through dedicated practice of the Faith. Call the office (970-728-3387) for more information.

First Reconciliation
The sacrament of First Reconciliation, or Penance, is celebrated in the 2nd grade. Children must be baptized. Students are catechized for reception of the sacrament during religion and faith formation classes.

First Eucharist
Students receive First Eucharist, or Holy Communion, in the second grade after having made their First Reconciliation, usually in May. Students are catechized for this sacrament during their faith formation classes. First Reconciliation/Communion program is a two years program.

There is a two-year preparation process that includes classes, service hours and an annual retreat. All candidates are required to have a sponsor who is a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years old, has received Holy Eucharist, and has been confirmed.

Any couple wishing to be married at St. Patrick must notify Parish Office at least 12 months in advance of the desired wedding day. Couples are required to have several meetings with a priest and complete the required marriage preparation classes and documents for marriage. At the initial visit, the priest can place a tentative wedding date on the parish calendar. Please do not place any deposits for a reception site until you have confirmation of the wedding date from the church. For more information, call the office (970-728-3387).

Anointing of the Sick
Contact the church office (970-728-3387) to arrange for a priest to anoint any Catholic in need of this Sacrament of Healing.

Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ’s priesthood, which He bestowed upon His apostles; thus, the Catechism of the Catholic Church refers to the Sacrament of Holy Orders as “the sacrament of apostolic ministry.” Fr. Carl Wertin, our Diocesan Director for Vocations, can help you answer questions about the priesthood or Religious Life and discern your own vocation.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is the process through which adults inquire about, prepare for, and are welcomed into the Catholic Church with the sacraments of Baptism (if not already baptized), Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. Weekly presentations, study, discussion, and prayer help participants understand and experience the specific teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. For more information, contact the Parish Office.

Church Location

301 North Spruce
Telluride, CO 81435

Mission Location

Our Lady of Sorrows
325 Fox St.
Nucla, CO 81424

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Thu 1/30

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Fri 1/31

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February 2025

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