Parish News
Advent Reflection and Reconciliation This Friday
Advent Reflection and Reconciliation This Friday, December 13th 6pm!
¡Abran paso al Señor! Vengan a preparar sus corazones para el nacimiento de …
RSVP for Gingerbread House Building BY WEDNESDAY!
Please join us on December 15th following the 9AM Holy Mass. We will be decorating gingerbread houses. Light breakfast items will be served.Please text RSVP to Katrina Aumiller BEFORE WEDNESDAY, December 11th if you plan to join so we can make sure we …
Parish Bulletin for December 8
Here is the parish bulletin for this week and a few events to put on your calendar during this Season of Advent. Also, check our Parish Calendar for all updated activities.Dec. 7-8: A second collection, at the end of each Holy Mass to support those wom…
Hour of Grace 12pm December 8th
Please Join us for Mary’s Hour of Grace
12:00-1:00pm, Sunday, December 8th
We will Pray Together at the Church
What is the Hour of Grace?
In 194…
Gingerbread House Building December 15th
Please join us on December 15th following the 9AM Holy Mass. We will be decorating gingerbread houses. Light breakfast items will be served.Please text RSVP to Katrina Aumiller BEFORE WEDNESDAY, December 11th if you plan to join so we can make sure we …
Invitation:A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Please join us THIS SUNDAY, December 8th, at 8am for our second session of A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS!All are invited to journey through this short series with us so that we can fully participate and understand that we encounter HEAVEN each time …
Parish Bulletin for December 1
Please see this week’s bulletin for parish events. Also, check the parish calendar for all parish activities. December 1 2024.docx
Parish Bulletin for November 24
Please see this week’s bulletin for parish events. Also, check the parish calendar for all parish activities. Please note:November 28th, Thursday is a Thanksgiving Day. Holy Mass will be at 9:00 AM with Holy Adoration at 8:00 AM.On Saturday,…
Attention! Please Update Parish Registration
ATTENTION: Please Complete Registration By the End of November!Our St. Patrick Parish is updating our records. It has not been done for many decades and the number of Parishioners is outdated. Thank you for taking your time to fill out the Registration…
Parish Bulletin for November 17
Attached as PDF is this week’s parish bulletin. Also, Father Mariusz celebrated his birthday yesterday (November 15). Please wish him a happy birthday when you see him; but mostly, keep him in your prayers for health and well being and to re…
Church Location
301 North Spruce
Telluride, CO 81435
Mission Location
Our Lady of Sorrows
325 Fox St.
Nucla, CO 81424