Parish News
Faith & Fellowship Friday this week PLEASE READ
Watch Party and Potluck this Friday 5:30pm
Holy Adoration Tonight and Thursday Morning
Rough week? Great week? Please come sit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for a little while and tell Him about it.Tuesday (Tonight) Adoration 6pm-7pm. Confessions available at 6:30 Holy Mass 7…
RSVP For Pumpkin Carving by TOMORROW!
3rd Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest Sunday, October 29th after Holy Mass! Text RSVP to Amy O’Brien (205-915-6671) to reserve your pumpkin!
Youth Group This Sunday
Youth Group This Sunday 5-6:30 for Middle School and High School Students!
Extra Adoration This Weekend!
Please join the visiting missionaries from Christ in the City for Holy Adoration an hour before Holy Mass this Saturday and Sunday!
Saturday 4…
Adoration and Mass TONIGHT 6pm
“Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” Come spend a few minutes or the whole hour with Jesus this evening. Give him your doubts, worries and fears….
Eucharistic Adoration Opportunities for Oct. 17-19
During this Year of the Eucharistic Revival, just a friendly reminder of the opportunities to come and adore Jesus in our parish. Each week, the following opportunities are available. Come for an hour or even a few minutes. Tuesda…
Pumpkin Carving Sign Up NOW!
Pumpkin Carving October 29th
St. Pat’s will be hosting its THIRD Annual Pumpkin Carving contest on October 29 immediately foll…
Where’s that in the Bible? Session 3
Join us tomorrow at 5:30 PM for our next Faith Fellowship Friday session. We be learning about Mary and the Saints, so bring all your questions regarding our Holy Mother. We will begin with dinner at 5:30, (Pizza! and salad), and will s…
Come & Pray with us! ¡Venga a orar con nosotros!
Please join in praying the Holy Rosary for our country. The Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday, October 14 at 12:00 PM outside in front of the church. Please arrive 10 minutes early. During this celebration, we will also bless our bea…
Church Location
301 North Spruce
Telluride, CO 81435
Mission Location
Our Lady of Sorrows
325 Fox St.
Nucla, CO 81424