Parish News
Ash Wednesday and Fellowship Friday!
Make this the BEST LENT EVER!
Ash Wednesday Mass Times
8:00am and 5:00pm
A school excuse wil…
Sunday Youth Group Super Bowl Party!!!!
Youth Group this Sunday, February 11th will be a Super Bowl Party at the Aumiller’s House!Where: 158 Alexander Overlook When: 4:15-7:00 (or end of game)Please bring your favorite a snack to share and your favorite pizza topping (we will be m…
Schedule Changes This Week
Father will be attending two funerals in New York. Please note the temporary schedule changes:
Tuesday, Feb. 6: No Evening Adoration or Mass
Sign Up Now for Summer Church Camp in Telluride!
We are so excited to offer Totus Tuus Summer Camp for Telluride kids (and visitors)!Camp will be held the week of July 21-27th and lead by the To…
Adoration Opportunities and Candle Blessings!
Candlelight Adoration TONIGHT, January 30
6:00-7:00 Adoration
6:30-7:00 Confession Available
7:00 Holy Mass
Thursday Holy Adoration
7:00-8:00 a…
Youth Group Sunday 5pm
Bring a friend!
Attention! Totus Tuus Summer Camp-Sign Up NOW
We are so excited to offer Totus Tuus Summer Camp for Telluride kids (and visitors)!Camp will be held the week of July 21-27th and lead by the Totus Tuus Missionaries. The Middle School/High School Program is Sunday(July 21st)-Thursday 7-9pm.The G…
Need Peace? Candlelight Adoration Tonight 6pm
Is something not working in your life? Bring it to Jesus. Join us in this simple and ancient tradition of sitting before the Lord in the candlelight.Holy Adoration 6-7pmConfessions offered 6:30-7Holy Mass 7-7:30Come for what you can.
Help take down the decorations-Saturday, Jan. 20
Do you have an hour to spare tomorrow, Saturday, January 20? We could use help with taking down and putting away the Christmas decorations at 10 am. We are especially in need of assistance in lifting and putting away our beautiful Nati…
High School Summer Conference! Please Read!
Calling all high schoolers!
In our ever-changing world, Jesus is the answer to the longing of our hearts for meaning, fulfillment, security, and…
Church Location
301 North Spruce
Telluride, CO 81435
Mission Location
Our Lady of Sorrows
325 Fox St.
Nucla, CO 81424