Stewardship opportunities in our parish:
Lector: Reads the Biblical text other than the Gospel at mass. This could be the First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading and/or Gospel Acclamation.
Usher: Welcome everyone and answer any questions. Make sure that all have a place to sit. After mass, make sure that all pews and pew books are returned to their locations.
Greeter: Welcome those who come to church with a happy smile. Hand out bulletins at the end of mass.
Altar Server: Assist Father at mass. Must have received your First Holy Communion.
Choir Member: Join in singing and giving praise to God through song.
Cantor: Lead the congregation in giving praise to God through the songs. Sing the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia.
Men’s Group: Meets on Fridays at 6 am in the Church Basement.
Women’s Group: Meets on Mondays at 6 pm in the Church basement. This group will complete bible studies, read books about faith, Pray for our families, and celebrate being Women of God.
Prayer Group: This group will join together to pray and intercede for those in our parish, our community, our families, and our nation.
Faith Formation Teacher of Children: Lead a small group of children in learning about their Catholic faith as they prepare for receiving the sacraments.
Bible Study Group: Join this group to learn more about scripture through studies
Grounds & Maintenance: Help our church look as beautiful on the outside as inside.
Decoration Group: Prepare our sanctuary for church celebrations—Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
Social Events: Plan activities to bring us together as a community. Donut Sunday. Pot Lucks.
Church Location
301 North Spruce
Telluride, CO 81435
Mission Location
Our Lady of Sorrows
325 Fox St.
Nucla, CO 81424