2021-08-01 Bulletin

Aug 29, 2021

Download: 2021-08-01 St Pats Bulletin

We continue our reflections on the Holy Mass. Today we reflect on second part of the Introductory Rites.

Greeting: While the entrance hymn is sung, the Priest kisses the altar, which represents Christ, as a sign of surrender and adoration. Following the hymn, the Mass begins with the sign of the Cross and greeting. This greeting is significantly for wishing well, to all present, in the name of the Triune God.

Penitential Rite and Gloria: “Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy” was the instruction of Jesus to his disciples. We, as God’s children, gathered in his House to offer the Sacrifice of Christ and to receive the heavenly gifts, we need to be worthy of presenting ourselves. Hence, we pray for inner purification. Immediately after asking for pardon, we sing the “Gloria”, a traditional hymn of praise and glory to Jesus, our Redeemer.

Opening Prayer: At the close of the gathering ritual, the Priest invites the assembly to join him in the prayer, summarizing the theme of that particular day. At the end of the prayer, people respond “Amen”, which is a Hebrew word for “so be it”.

Part 2: The Liturgy of the Word will be continued.

Viva Cristo Rey


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