2021-05-09 Bulletin

May 8, 2021

This Sunday I continue to put information from Bishop Stephen Berg about obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days which will be restored on May 23, 2021. Here are some FAQ, taken from Diocese of Pueblo website:

Why is the general dispensation being lifted?

A general dispensation was granted when public Masses were initially suspended and kept in place while it remained reasonable for any Catholic to decide it was prudent for them to stay home. However, for the last several months we have been encouraging Catholics to prayerfully consider if they have a prudent reason to stay home, or if they are just using the dispensation as an excuse. Now, as the worst of the pandemic seems to be behind us, access to the vaccine for those who desire it has increased, and many other areas of life continue to move back towards normal, the time has come that a general dispensation is no longer necessary for every Catholic.

Recommended reading: It’s Time to Return to What Is Most Essential: The Mass

Viva Cristo Rey!

Download: 2021-05-09 St Pats Bulletin


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